Admissions Policy / Lottery Tiering

Below is an overview of the absence and suspension requirements for each tier of the admission lottery to gain acceptance into Worcester Technical High School or a Chapter 74 career/vocational technical education program at Doherty, North, or South high schools. Read the District's Admission Policy for more information. (Updated in November 2024 to reflect policy changes.)



Discipline & Safety


No more than 26 (10%) total absences in 7th and 8th grade up until the time applications open.

No more than 20 total days of suspension between 7th and 8th grade combined under laws (MGL 37H, 37H 1/2, 37H 3/4) from 7th and 8th grade combined at the time of graduation.


27-36 total absences in 7th and 8th grade up until the time applications open.

21-30 total days of suspension between 7th and 8th grade combined under law  (MGL 37H, 37H 1/2, 37H 3/4) from 7th and 8th grade combined.


37 or more total absences in 7th and 8th grade up until the time applications open.

31 or more total days of suspension between 7th and 8th grade combined under law (MGL 37H, 37H 1/2, 37H 3/4) from 7th and 8th grade combined.