AP Forms
Advanced Placement Student Forms
Advanced Placement Test Fee Form
AP Exam Fee for non-DMHS students. Students and/or their family must contact the AP Coordinator to gain approval before completing this form.
AP Student Contract
AP Student Contract - All students should download and complete this form, get a hard copy in room 309 or from their AP teacher, or complete the online form here. Completed hard-copy forms should be returned to room 309 or to their AP teacher. Complete this form electronically.
Saturday Session Employer Letter
AP Saturday Study Session Employer Letter: Students can use this letter as they work with their employer to ensure Saturday attendance at their respective study session.
Saturday Study Session Absence Form
AP Saturday Study Session Absence Form - If you are unable to attend a Saturday Study Session, please complete this form OR send an email to Mr. Staley with the necessary information informing him of this absence.