Kindergarten Registration
The Worcester Public Schools offers full-day kindergarten programs in all of its elementary schools.
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year begins on January 2, 2024.
The child must be 5 years old by December 31, 2024 to qualify for kindergarten admission for the 2024-25 school year.
We encourage families to enroll their children as early as possible during the registration process. While we will never turn families away, we want to ensure the process is not rushed and all students have everything they need to start attending school in late August.
Elementary schools will typically hold open houses in early June for families whose students will begin attending kindergarten in the fall.
Kindergarten Enrollment Information
Visit the Enrollment page to have all of your questions answered about the kindergarten enrollment process.
You can also call the Parent Information Center from 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Monday through Friday at 508-799-3194. The PIC is located at 768 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610.
Begin Enrollment Process
All families enrolling their children in kindergarten through grade 12 must complete the K-12 enrollment form. (There are separate application forms for preschool and Head Start.)
After registering online, you will need to make an in-person appointment at the Parent Information Center by calling 508-799-3194.
Countdown to Kindergarten
Countdown to Kindergarten is an annual event hosted at Polar Park by the Department of Early Childhood. The event is designed to welcome soon-to-be kindergarten scholars and their families to the Worcester Public Schools.
During the evening, the district's youngest scholars participate in developmental activities meant to familiarize them with what they will experience during their first year of school. Parents and caregivers also have a chance to have their own questions answered.
Tips for Preschool and Kindergarten
Worcester Public Schools provides parents and caregivers with lots of useful information for families to help their children get ready to attend preschool and kindergarten.