If you would like to speak to a Worcester Public Schools employee in a language other than English, the District has phone interpreters for 240+ languages who are available at any time. When you call the school, tell the person answering the phone that you need an interpreter. They will then put you briefly on hold while they get an interpreter on the line to assist. If at any time you need to speak with a particular teacher or another staff member, you can also send them an email asking them to call you with an interpreter on the line, or even request to schedule a time to have a videoconference with the teacher and an interpreter.
iPads and Chromebooks
Worcester Public Schools believes that access to the digital learning experiences is at the forefront of educational equity. For this reason, we commit to providing a device to every student at no cost to families. We strive to create a community of empowered learners who use technology to reduce barriers, access information, and participate in current and future digital environments.
Students in Pre-K and Kindergarten use iPads. An iPad is a tablet that relies on the Internet for many functions and automatically saves students' work from most apps safely on the Internet. When a student signs into an iPad using their WPS Google account, it is easy to find their previous work, access Seesaw with assignments, and complete assignments using a variety of apps and websites.
Students in Grades 1-12 use Chromebooks. A Chromebook is a laptop that relies on the Internet for many functions and automatically saves students' work from most apps safely on the Internet. When a student signs into a Chromebook using their WPS google account, it is easy to access and complete assignments using a variety of apps and websites.
Accessibility tools add function to devices and apps so that all students can access learning materials. Scroll to see three types of accessibility tools for each device.
Learning Apps & Programs
Google Classroom
Students can access apps that are assigned to them through Clever. Please click on each app below to learn more.

Digital Citizenship
What is Digital Citizenship?
Digital Citizenship involves engaging empathetically with others online, evaluating the validity of online information, using technology to be a force of good, balancing time online, knowing how to be safe online, and appropriately caring for devices.
Areas of Digital Citizenship:
ParentSquare Information for Caregivers
WooEdu Family Portal
Welcome to the WooEdu Campus Student and Campus Parent portals!
WooEdu is powered by Infinite Campus, which puts school information at your fingertips with real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules, and more.
To get started, click through the guides below and download the Campus Student and Campus Parent Apps in the Apple or Google Play Stores.
Parent Portal Guides
App Downloads
Internet Access at Home
Worcester Public Schools is committed to providing students with the educational tools that they need to be successful learners, both in school and at home. We provide hotspots for students who do not have internet at home. If you are interested in more robust WiFi, we have partnered with the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to help WPS Families apply for discounted broadband.